The Carolina Playmakers : Experimental Productions of New Plays, 1937
Scope and Contents
Program flier for The Carolina Playmakers 48th Series of Experimental Productions of New Plays, written, cast, and directed by students in the University course in Playwriting, Dramatic Art 157, The Playmakers Theatre, May 7, 1937.
Plays were: Thank Rotary: A Play of the Big Brother Movement by William Peery, directed by Lubin Leggette, stars included Richard Bradshaw, Manuel Korn, John Graff, Bedford Thurman, Harold Liskin, Samuel Hirsch; Peguin Soup: A Second Avenue Nightmare by Jean Ashe, directed by the author, stars included Virgil Lee, Harriet Gates, Martin Schuck, Paul Quinn, Ruth Mengel, Edgar Hinton, Robert Steward, Gerald Hochman; Shattered Glass: A Play of a Woman's Frustration by Marion Hartshorn, directed by the author, stars included Madeline Haynsworth, Evelyn Snider, John Paul Nickell, Howard Richardson; Long-Sweetenin': A Comedy of the Hill Folk by Janie Britt, directed by Mary Haynsworth, stars included Samuel Hirsch, Eloise Banning, Christine Maynard, Manuel Korn, Eugene Langston, Kitty DeCarlo, DeWitt Barnett, Jean Ashe, Ruth Mengel, Inez Mease, Walter Carroll, The McMillan Twins.
Adams-Stone Collection
- Creation: 1937
From the Collection: 100 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Series: English
Repository Details
Part of the Binghamton University Libraries Special Collections Repository