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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 113

Alumni collection at Binghamton University

Identifier: BUA-0032
Scope and Contents This collection is a compilation of materials that have been donated by alumni and those who attended Tricple Citie College, Harpur College, or any of the permutations of the instutition now known as Binghamton University. These materials reflect the history of student life and the history of the University. Student publications, memorabilia, photographs, artifacts, correspondence, posters, scrapbooks, audio and video are some of the categories of materials that can be found in this...
Dates: 1946-2008, 2015

American Association of University Women (AAUW), Southern New York Branch records

Identifier: BUSC-1993-001

The American Association of University Women (AAUW), Southern New York Branch was a grassroots organization for women college graduates that encouraged continuing education, lobbied for equal women's rights to education and employment, and raised funds for women attending college. The AAUW, Southern New York Branch records contain the administrative and program records of the branch.

Dates: 1900 - 2023

Warren M. Anderson papers

Identifier: BUSC-1979-002

This collection includes copies of more than 900 bills introduced by Warren M. Anderson in the New York state senate from 1971 through 1984. Correspondence and supporting documents are included for some bills.

Dates: 1971 - 1984

Richard T. Antoun papers

Identifier: BUA-0010
Abstract Richard T. "Dick" Antoun (March 31, 1932 – December 4, 2009) was an American anthropologist who specialized in Islamic and Middle Eastern studies. He was a Professor Emeritus at Binghamton University. His work centered on religion and the social organization of tradition in Islamic law and ethics, among other things. The collection comprises 40 boxes of book manuscripts, class lecture notes, and field work notes. These materials were removed from several filing cabinets in Professor Antoun's...
Dates: 1970 - 2009

Bank of Binghamton / City National Bank of Binghamton records

Identifier: BUSC-1977-003

Cash books, ledgers, registers and other records of the Bank of Binghamton (1852 - 1865) and the City National Bank of Binghamton (1865 - 1955). See the Scope and Content note for detailed contents. The material is in 204 individual volumes. See the catalog record for additional information.

Dates: 1852 - 1955

Glenn G. Bartle papers

Identifier: BUA-0026

The Glenn G. Bartle papers include personal and professional meterials related to Bartle's education, geological career, years at Harpur College, post-retirement volunteeer work, travel, and press. Glenn G. Bartle was the founding president of Harpur College (now Binghamton University). He came to the region in 1945 to serve as dean of the newly established Triple Cities College (TCC), in Endicott, N.Y.

Dates: 1911 - 1978

Reuben Lewis Bartle journals

Identifier: BUSC-2023-004
Abstract Daily journals kept by Reuben Lewis "R. L." Bartle (1844 - 1917) of Washington County, Indiana. The journals cover the years 1884 to 1893; January through May of 1894; and 1903 through 1911. He records daily happenings and financial transactions, visits, trips to Henryville and Salem, the nearest towns. Bartle was a notary public and often records when his neighbors brought legal documents for him to witness; among these are often Civil War pension applications. He makes frequent mentions of...
Dates: 1884 - 1894; 1903 - 1911

Fannie Fern Eaton Bentley scrapbook

Identifier: BUSC-2006-001

This collection comprises a scrapbook created by Fannie Fern Eaton Bentley using a daybook formerly used at a grocery store. The clippings pasted by Bentley are mainly from the Binghamton Press, and most date from the early twentieth century.

Dates: 1864 - 1918

Aldo S. Bernardo papers

Identifier: BUA-0024

The collection contains the scholarly and professional papers of Aldo S. Bernardo. The majority of the collection documents Bernardo's work translating Petrarch's works. Aldo Bernardo was a translator and Professor of Italian and Comparative Literature, State University of New York at Binghamton Bernardo served as the chair of the state-wide SUNY Faculty Senate, chair of the Division of Humanities, and the founder and director of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies.

Dates: 1950 - 1998

Binghamton University subject file collection

Identifier: BUA-0013

The Binghamton University subject file collection is a reference collection of materials relating to and about academic programs, buildings, events, and organizations affiliated with Binghamton University.

Dates: 1920 - 2022; Majority of material found within 1946 - 2022

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Broome County (N.Y.) 28
Military 20
Binghamton (N.Y.) 18
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 18
Photographs 17
∨ more
Clippings (information artifacts) 12
Diaries (documents) 12
Personal correspondence 11
Theater 11
College teachers 10
State University of New York at Binghamton 10
Performing arts 7
Scrapbooks 7
Actors 6
Actors -- Photographs 6
Art 6
Correspondence (document genre) 6
Plays 6
Poetry 6
Postcards 6
Theater -- Europe 6
Manuscripts (documents) 5
Newspapers 5
Theater -- Germany 5
Actresses 4
Artists 4
Drama 4
Motion pictures 4
New York (State) 4
Newsletters 4
Photographic postcards (picture postcards) 4
Posters 4
Reports 4
Slides (photographs) 4
Travel 4
Academic librarians 3
Academic libraries 3
Account books (financial records) 3
Actors -- Germany 3
Agendas (administrative records) 3
Agriculture 3
Audiotapes (sound recordings) 3
Banks and banking 3
Buildings 3
Business Records (documents) 3
Drawings (visual works) 3
Education, Higher 3
Invitations (documents) 3
Minutes (administrative records) 3
Motion picture actors and actresses 3
Notebooks 3
Photographic prints 3
Reinhardt, Max, 1873-1943 3
Speeches 3
Theater -- Austria 3
Theater programs 3
United States. Army. New York Veteran Cavalry Regiment, 1st (1863-1865) 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Actors -- United States 2
Advertising 2
American drama 2
Articles 2
Artifacts (object genre) 2
Austria 2
Cabinet photographs (objects) 2
Certificates (documents) 2
Chenango County (N.Y.) 2
Circus 2
College presidents 2
Conferences 2
Cornell University 2
Dance 2
Dancers 2
Diaries 2
Diplomats -- United States 2
Dramatists 2
Education 2
English literature--Study and teaching (Higher) 2
Families 2
Fiction 2
Financial records (documents) 2
Geological maps 2
Germany 2
History 2
Interviews 2
Irish literature 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Legal documents 2
Maps 2
Middle East 2
Moscow (Russia) 2
Motion Pictures -- United States -- History 2
Musicals 2
Negatives (photographic) 2
New York (State). Legislature. Senate 2
Paintings (visual works) 2
Periodicals 2
Photograph albums 2
Playwrights 2
Playwriting 2
+ ∧ less
English 110
German 10
French 5
Russian 4
Chinese 2
∨ more  
Bartle, Glenn G., 1899-1977 2
Leyden, Maurice, 1836-1906 2
Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section 1
American Association of University Women. Southern New York Branch 1
Anderson, Warren M., 1915-2007 1
∨ more
Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906 1
Arthur A. (Arthur Allen) Cohen, 1928-1986 1
Bank of Binghamton 1
Barnes, Orton Spaulding 1
Bartle, Reuben Lewis "R. L.", 1844-1917 1
Bentley, Fannie Fern Eaton, 1877-1960 1
Bernardo lecture series 1
Bernardo, Aldo S. 1
Bernardo, Reta A. 1
Bois, Jules, 1871-1943 1
Boros, Don 1
Brayer, Yves, 1907-1990 1
Broome County Peace Action 1
Brown, Burritt, 1839-1920 1
Brown, Lewis Henry, 1840-1917 1
Bryan, Jack B., 1908-1971 1
Casey, Patrick, 1829-1914 1
Changing Herizons, Inc. 1
Charles Green, Sons & Co. 1
Chittenden, William Sisson, 1908-1991 1
City National Bank of Binghamton 1
Cizenski, Julie 1
Crawford, C.A. 1
Dickinson, Charles Monroe, 1842-1924 1
Dickinson, Daniel S. (Daniel Stevens), 1800-1866 1
Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968 1
Duncan, John H. (John Hemingway), 1855-1929 1
Eckler, Leopold, 1898-1984 1
Eldredge, Frank W., 1849-1912 1
Elliott, Richard J., 1907-1974 1
Farnham, Georgianna F. "Georgia", 1846-1866 1
Fonda, Ten Eyck, 1838-1921 1
Ford, Edward Irving, 1825-1908 1
Franklin, Elmer H., 1886-1954 1
Franklin, Mae Ellen Rogers, 1883-1950 1
Frederick, Joseph E., 1912-1998 1
G. S. Robbins & Son 1
Gage, John Porcius, 1846-1932 1
Gardner, John, 1933-1982 1
Gates, John W. 1
Geoghegan, Suzanne 1
Gilbert, Amy M. (Amy Margaret), 1895-1980 1
Gitchell, Byres H., 1916-1936 1
Glenn G. Bartle Library 1
Green, George E., 1858-1917 1
Halbers, Fritz, 1894-1987 1
Hawkes, Clayton 1
Hazard Lewis Farms 1
Held, Berthold, 1868-1931 1
Hespelt, E. Herman (Ernest Herman), 1886-1961 1
Hill, Stanley H., 1908-1972 1
Hodges, Graham R. 1
Huppé, Bernard F., 1911-1989 1
Hurwitz, Jacob, 1912-2003 1
Ibsen, Rose Sigal 1
Jackson State University 1
Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944 1
Leyden, Blanche Eloise, 1874-1936 1
Leyden, Margaret Leora Garrigues, 1841-1928 1
Lindsay, Kenneth Clement, 1919- 1
Livernoche, John B., 1848-1917 1
Livernoche, Kate Smith, 1850-1908 1
Lockwood, Clark, 1846-1897 1
Losch, Tilly, 1904-1975 1
Lyon, Beverly Jean 1
MacArthur, Archibald 1
Martin Bros. Circus 1
Mary X. Britten 1
McCahill, Henry P. "Harry", 1847-1910 1
McHugh, John M., 1948- 1
McKinney, Chester E., 1843-1911 1
McKinney, Sarah A., 1840-1906 1
McLaughlin, John K. 1
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir I. (Vladimir Ivanovich), 1858-1943 1
Nesslage, A. Lee 1
Newcomb, Josiah T., 1911-1981 1
Newman, Allen G. 1
Nichols, Grace D., 1848-1925 1
Orton, Helen D. 1
Orton, John G., Dr. 1
Phillips, John Lewis 1
Pickard, Adoniram Judson "A. J.", 1838-1882 1
Pierce, Samuel Chase 1
Pike, Benjamin Leroy, 1845-1903 1
Pike, John E., 1844-1879 1
Pike, William S., 1843-1890 1
Pottle, Sarah Woodruff, 1815-1887 1
Rankin, Robert, Jr. 1
Ransom, Albert, 1844-1930 1
Reinhardt, Gottfried 1
Reinhardt, Max, 1873-1943 1
Roberson Museum and Science Center 1
Robinson, James Bostwick, 1840-1912 1
Rose, Robert H. (Robert Hutchinson), 1776-1842 1
Russell, James Lewis, 1843-1864 1
+ ∧ less