Folder 79
Contains 13 Results:
Telegrams, 1939-1975
55 telegrams, 1939-1975, typescript and handwritten in pencil
Fiedler, Leonhard M., 1974
1 letter, 1974, typescript
Chase 010-1-014843, November 1961
1 statement, 1961, typescript 1 credit advice, 1961, typescript 1 debit advice, 1961, typescript
Lutyens, Edith, 1947
1 letter, 1947, typescript
Sutro, John, 1935-1957
16 letters, no date and 1935-1957, typescript and handwritten in ink 6 telegrams, 1937-1955, typescript
Theatre-In-The-Dale, 1946-1948
11 letters, 1946-1948, typescript and handwritten in ink
Randolph Churchill, 1968-1973
3 newspaper clippings, 1968-1973, typescript; 1 removed and rehoused in Newspaper box; 1 removed and rehoused in Map Cases
National City Bank 1203-47-9, January 1966
1 credit advice, 1966, typescript
Lefevre Gallery, London, September 1950
1 newspaper clipping, 1950, typescript
Kutner, Luis, 1955
1 letter, no date, handwritten in pencil and ink 1 draft of telegram, 1955, handwritten in pencil