Folder 88
Contains 11 Results:
French, Winsor, 1954
1 letter with attachment, 1954, typescript 1 newspaper clipping (copy), 1954, typescript
Chase 010-1-014843, August 1962
1 statement, 1962, typescript 2 credit advices, 1962, typescript 1 debit advice, 1962, typescript
Mankiewicz, Rosa, 1950
1 letter, 1950, handwritten in ink 1 Christmas card, no date, typescript
Townsend, Louis, 1946-1947
3 letters, typescript and handwritten in ink, 1946-1947; 1 with attachment 1 newspaper clipping, 1946, typescript 1 telegram, no date, typescript
Unidentified, 1967
1 letter, 1967, typescript and handwritten in pencil and ink
National City Bank 1203-47-9, December 1968
1 statement, 1968, typescript 1 letter, 1968, typescript 7 canceled checks, 1968, typescript 2 credit advices, 1968, typescript 2 credit tickets, 1968, typescript 4 debit advices, 1968, typescript 1 debit ticket, 1968, typescript 1 stock receipt from Abbey National Building Society, 1968, typescript
Tilly as Model, 1939
1 newspaper clipping, 1939, typescript
Lefevre Gallery, London, 1950
4 invitations, 1950, typescript
Mitford, Tom, undated
1 letter, no date, handwritten in pencil
Lutecia, 1971
1 bill, 1971, typescript and handwritten in ink