Folder 35
Contains 20 Results:
Hogan, Bob, 1952
1 letter, 1952, typescript
Manuscript 504, no date
Manuscript by Padraic Colum of "Saint Patrick as a Man of Letters," no date, typescript and handwritten in pencil and ink
Manuscript 285, no date
Manuscript by Mary Colum of review of "Caverns Measureless to Man," no date, typescript and handwritten in pencil
Wartels, Nat, 1963
1 letter, 1963, typescript
Deutsch, Barbara, 1943
1 copy of article by Barbara Deutsch, 1943, typescript; removed and rehoused in Oversized box
Unidentified, no date
5 photographs and 2 negatives, no date 1 postcard with print of photograph, no date
Others: Deutsch, Barbara, 1943
1 copy of article by Barbara Deutsch, 1943, typescript
Burren, Luba of, 1954
Copy of 1 letter, 1954
Play Manuscript 14, no date
Copy of manuscript of "Cloughoughter" by Padraic Colum, no date
The Dead and the Living, no date
Manuscript of "The Dead and the Living" by Zack Bowen, no date, typescript