Box 6
Contains 147 Results:
Farjeon, Ballin and Co., 1968
4 letters, 1968-1971, typescript; some with attachments 5 bills, 1968-1970, typescript 1 policies, 1968 and 1974, typescript
First National City Bank of NY, 1961-1964
5 letters, 1961-1963, typescript; some with attachments 1 appraisals, 1961, typescript 1 note from TL, 1963, handwritten in pencil 5 letters from Glanvil, Enthoven and Co. to TL, 1963 and 1964, typescript and handwritten in ink 1 letter from TL to Glanvil, Enthoven and Co., 1964, typescript 2 letters from Toplis and Harding, Inc. to TL, 1964, typescript; 1 with copy 1 copy of letter from D.A. Barnett to Tufnell, Satterthwaite and Co., 1963, typescript
General Accident, no date
1 insurance card, no date, typescript
Gershgorn and Co., Inc., 1937
1 appraisal, 1937, typescript
Glanvill Enthoven, 1963-1975
23 bills, no date and 1963-1974, typescript 25 letters, no date and1964-1975, typescript and handwritten in ink 2 quote, no date, typescript; 1 with copy; 1 removed and rehoused in Oversized box
John Addison and Co., 1968
1 letter, 1968, typescript
John F. Curry Agency, 1971-1975
9 bills, 1971-1973, typescript; most with copies 3 letters, 1971-1975, typescript; some with attachments 1 insurance binder, 1971, typescript
Kitcat and Aitken, 1967
4 receipts, 1967, typescript
Lloyds, 1935-1974
3 policies, 1936-1965, typescript 1 letter, 1974, handwritten in ink; with attachments 4 drafts of letters to Glanvill Enthoven, no date, handwritten in pencil and ink 1 memorandum of insurance with addendum, 1935, typescript
Realty and General Insurances, Ltd., 1974
1 letter, 1974, typescript