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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 112

Julie Cizenski collection of postcards

Identifier: BUSC-2010-001

This collection contains forty-one (41) picture postcards of the Binghamton, New York area. Those dated range from 1906 through 1995. All have been digitized and are available via the Library's website.

Dates: 1906 - 1995 and undated

The Padraic and Mary Colum Collection

Identifier: BUSC-1977-001
Abstract Collection of writings, correspondence, photographs, and other materials of Irish author, Padraic Colum (1881–1972) and his wife, Irish author, Mary Colum (née Maguire, 1884-1957). Padraic Colum was a poet, novelist, dramatist, and playwright and was one of the leading figures of the Irish Literary Revival. During his lifetime, Colum published more than 50 volumes of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and drama, children’s literature, and folklore. Mary Colum was also a prolific literary...
Dates: 1890-1997; Majority of material found in 1938-1964; nd

Communications and Marketing at Binghamton University records

Identifier: BUA-0025

The University Communications and Marketing records documents the research and work of University Communications and Marketing (UCM). University Communications and Marketing is responsible for public and media relations for Binghamton University. While all the records were transfered from the UCM office, the majority of the collection documents activities, events, and personell from other departments.

Dates: 1921 - 2021; Majority of material found within 1950 - 2021

Daniel S. Dickinson Statue papers

Identifier: BUSC-1979-001
Abstract This collection documents the 1922 - 1924 process of commissioning, constructing, and installing a statue of Daniel S. Dickinson in front of the Broome County Court House in Binghamton, New York. The correspondence is primarily between architect John H. Duncan, sculptor Allen G. Newman, and Charles F. Tupper, on behalf of the Exempt Firemen's Assocation. Also included are Charles Monroe Dickinson's speech given at the dedication ceremony, and newspaper clippings and photographs relating to...
Dates: 1922 - 1924

Leopold Eckler papers

Identifier: BUSC-1996-001

This collection includes news clippings, photographs, and memorabilia from the estate of Dr. Leopold Eckler (1898 - 1984), longtime general manager of Ansco, a major photographic firm based in Binghamton. A majority of the material concerns Eckler's time at the company, though some earlier and later materials are present.

Dates: 1912 - 1983

Educational Opportunity Program at Binghamton University records

Identifier: BUA-0017
Scope and Contents Materials in this collection document SUNY’s Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and other special programs for disadvantaged students between 1966-1979, with the bulk of the material covering 1968-1973. Prior to administering programs under the new EOP, which occurred around 1970/1971, some named programs were already in place. Examples of this include SUNY Binghamton’s Special Admissions Program, and New York State’s SEEK (Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge) Program. This...
Dates: 1966 - 1979 and undated

Frank W. Eldredge diary

Identifier: BUSC-1983-002
Abstract Diary of Frank W. Eldredge (1849 - 1912) kept while attending Eagleswood Military Academy in Perth Amboy, New Jersey in 1863 and 1864, with a single entry from 1866. The diary was kept in an old ledger book, and not sequentially. From the front of the book, the entries are as follows: April 16 - May 5, 1864; September 15, 1864; July 3, 1866; November 8, 1864; February 26, 1863; September 27 - October 18, 1863; February 13 - 22 1863. Eldredge's diary entries document the weather and his daily...
Dates: 1863 - 1866

Richard J. Elliott papers

Identifier: BUSC-2017-003

This small collection contains literary manuscripts and personal papers of Richard J. Elliott, a librarian and author from Windsor, Broome County, New York.

Dates: 1964 - 1974

Ten Eyck Fonda letters

Identifier: BUSC-2004-002
Abstract The collection consists of twenty-six letters written by Ten Eyck Fonda (1838 - 1921) of Fonda, Montgomery County, New York. The letters from 1861 to 1863 were sent to his immediate family while serving as a telegraph operator for the U.S. Military Telegraph Service during the Civil War. They tell of his perilous job, concerns about the capability of the Union Army, provide first-hand accounts of battles and the difficulty of receiving a military commission. The collection has been digitized...
Dates: 1861 - 1863

Edward I. Ford diaries

Identifier: BUSC-2005-001
Abstract This collection includes two diaries kept by Dr. Edward Irving Ford (1825 - 1908) of Binghamton, Broome County, New York, for the years 1863 and 1866. The 1863 diary records Ford's activities in Binghamton and then his service as an army surgeon in various locations. The 1866 diary records his final month in hospital service, his journey back to Binghamton and various other travels, and his purchase of a drug store in Binghamton.Both diaries have been digitized and are available at...
Dates: 1863 - 1866

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Broome County (N.Y.) 28
Military 20
Binghamton (N.Y.) 18
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 18
Photographs 17
∨ more
Clippings (information artifacts) 12
Diaries (documents) 12
Personal correspondence 11
Theater 11
State University of New York at Binghamton 10
College teachers 9
Performing arts 7
Scrapbooks 7
Actors 6
Actors -- Photographs 6
Art 6
Correspondence (document genre) 6
Plays 6
Poetry 6
Postcards 6
Theater -- Europe 6
Manuscripts (documents) 5
Newspapers 5
Theater -- Germany 5
Actresses 4
Artists 4
Drama 4
Motion pictures 4
New York (State) 4
Newsletters 4
Photographic postcards (picture postcards) 4
Posters 4
Reports 4
Slides (photographs) 4
Travel 4
Academic librarians 3
Academic libraries 3
Account books (financial records) 3
Actors -- Germany 3
Agendas (administrative records) 3
Agriculture 3
Audiotapes (sound recordings) 3
Banks and banking 3
Buildings 3
Business Records (documents) 3
Drawings (visual works) 3
Education, Higher 3
Invitations (documents) 3
Minutes (administrative records) 3
Motion picture actors and actresses 3
Notebooks 3
Photographic prints 3
Reinhardt, Max, 1873-1943 3
Speeches 3
Theater -- Austria 3
Theater programs 3
United States. Army. New York Veteran Cavalry Regiment, 1st (1863-1865) 3
World War, 1939-1945 3
Actors -- United States 2
Advertising 2
American drama 2
Articles 2
Artifacts (object genre) 2
Austria 2
Cabinet photographs (objects) 2
Certificates (documents) 2
Chenango County (N.Y.) 2
Circus 2
College presidents 2
Conferences 2
Cornell University 2
Dance 2
Dancers 2
Diaries 2
Diplomats -- United States 2
Dramatists 2
Education 2
English literature--Study and teaching (Higher) 2
Families 2
Fiction 2
Financial records (documents) 2
Geological maps 2
Germany 2
History 2
Interviews 2
Irish literature 2
Ledgers (account books) 2
Legal documents 2
Maps 2
Middle East 2
Moscow (Russia) 2
Motion Pictures -- United States -- History 2
Musicals 2
Negatives (photographic) 2
New York (State). Legislature. Senate 2
Paintings (visual works) 2
Periodicals 2
Photograph albums 2
Playwrights 2
Playwriting 2
+ ∧ less
English 109
German 10
French 5
Russian 4
Chinese 2
∨ more  
Bartle, Glenn G., 1899-1977 2
Leyden, Maurice, 1836-1906 2
Allied Forces. Supreme Headquarters. Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Section 1
American Association of University Women. Southern New York Branch 1
Anderson, Warren M., 1915-2007 1
∨ more
Anthony, Susan B. (Susan Brownell), 1820-1906 1
Arthur A. (Arthur Allen) Cohen, 1928-1986 1
Bank of Binghamton 1
Barnes, Orton Spaulding 1
Bartle, Reuben Lewis "R. L.", 1844-1917 1
Bentley, Fannie Fern Eaton, 1877-1960 1
Bernardo lecture series 1
Bernardo, Aldo S. 1
Bernardo, Reta A. 1
Bois, Jules, 1871-1943 1
Boros, Don 1
Brayer, Yves, 1907-1990 1
Broome County Peace Action 1
Brown, Burritt, 1839-1920 1
Brown, Lewis Henry, 1840-1917 1
Bryan, Jack B., 1908-1971 1
Casey, Patrick, 1829-1914 1
Changing Herizons, Inc. 1
Charles Green, Sons & Co. 1
Chittenden, William Sisson, 1908-1991 1
City National Bank of Binghamton 1
Cizenski, Julie 1
Crawford, C.A. 1
Dickinson, Charles Monroe, 1842-1924 1
Dickinson, Daniel S. (Daniel Stevens), 1800-1866 1
Duchamp, Marcel, 1887-1968 1
Duncan, John H. (John Hemingway), 1855-1929 1
Eckler, Leopold, 1898-1984 1
Eldredge, Frank W., 1849-1912 1
Elliott, Richard J., 1907-1974 1
Farnham, Georgianna F. "Georgia", 1846-1866 1
Fonda, Ten Eyck, 1838-1921 1
Ford, Edward Irving, 1825-1908 1
Franklin, Elmer H., 1886-1954 1
Franklin, Mae Ellen Rogers, 1883-1950 1
Frederick, Joseph E., 1912-1998 1
G. S. Robbins & Son 1
Gage, John Porcius, 1846-1932 1
Gardner, John, 1933-1982 1
Gates, John W. 1
Geoghegan, Suzanne 1
Gilbert, Amy M. (Amy Margaret), 1895-1980 1
Gitchell, Byres H., 1916-1936 1
Glenn G. Bartle Library 1
Green, George E., 1858-1917 1
Halbers, Fritz, 1894-1987 1
Hawkes, Clayton 1
Hazard Lewis Farms 1
Held, Berthold, 1868-1931 1
Hespelt, E. Herman (Ernest Herman), 1886-1961 1
Hill, Stanley H., 1908-1972 1
Hodges, Graham R. 1
Huppé, Bernard F., 1911-1989 1
Hurwitz, Jacob, 1912-2003 1
Ibsen, Rose Sigal 1
Jackson State University 1
Kandinsky, Wassily, 1866-1944 1
Leyden, Blanche Eloise, 1874-1936 1
Leyden, Margaret Leora Garrigues, 1841-1928 1
Lindsay, Kenneth Clement, 1919- 1
Livernoche, John B., 1848-1917 1
Livernoche, Kate Smith, 1850-1908 1
Lockwood, Clark, 1846-1897 1
Losch, Tilly, 1904-1975 1
Lyon, Beverly Jean 1
MacArthur, Archibald 1
Martin Bros. Circus 1
Mary X. Britten 1
McCahill, Henry P. "Harry", 1847-1910 1
McHugh, John M., 1948- 1
McKinney, Chester E., 1843-1911 1
McKinney, Sarah A., 1840-1906 1
McLaughlin, John K. 1
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir I. (Vladimir Ivanovich), 1858-1943 1
Nesslage, A. Lee 1
Newcomb, Josiah T., 1911-1981 1
Newman, Allen G. 1
Nichols, Grace D., 1848-1925 1
Orton, Helen D. 1
Orton, John G., Dr. 1
Phillips, John Lewis 1
Pickard, Adoniram Judson "A. J.", 1838-1882 1
Pierce, Samuel Chase 1
Pike, Benjamin Leroy, 1845-1903 1
Pike, John E., 1844-1879 1
Pike, William S., 1843-1890 1
Pottle, Sarah Woodruff, 1815-1887 1
Rankin, Robert, Jr. 1
Ransom, Albert, 1844-1930 1
Reinhardt, Gottfried 1
Reinhardt, Max, 1873-1943 1
Roberson Museum and Science Center 1
Robinson, James Bostwick, 1840-1912 1
Rose, Robert H. (Robert Hutchinson), 1776-1842 1
Russell, James Lewis, 1843-1864 1
+ ∧ less